The Three Little Angels Foundation offers unique tools to help parents suffering the heartbreak of infant death. Whether you have loved your child for one minute or one year, your loss is significant. No loss is better or worse than another. Each child is unique and worthy of our tears. Please take your time to mourn the little one that has so briefly touched your life forever.
We believe in empowering families to care for their child, make as many memories as possible and to plan a precious goodbye. Endless hours are spend training and encouraging caregivers to assist families and guiding the bereaved through the short time parents will spend with their child in the hospital. You get one chance to fit a lifetime into a couple of days. How do you do it? What is okay to do? What do other parents do? What if I am afraid? All valid questions asked by families and that can be answered by accepting the guidance of your caregiver and using the Three Little Angels Foundation Special Care Package.
What is a Three Little Angels care package? Click on to find out how this resource could help you through your tragedy.