The Three Little Angels Foundation has created a Special Care Package that is offered to each family that has a loss at each currently partnering hospital. Experiencing the death of a child is like no other hurt and Three Little Angels Foundation believes in empowering families with tools for making the most of the short time they have with their child. Three Little Angels Foundation encourages caregivers to find a quiet time to take in the Kit to the family, take out every item and share what the purpose of each item. Usually it is the privilege of the chaplain or the nurse to present the Kit to the family. Each Kit comes housed in a natural muslin tote with the Three Little Angels Foundation logo.
Included in each Special Care Kit are:
Teddy Bear
The bear soothes aching arms. Parents' arms are empty and longing for their child. Bears are about 10" in length and are pastel colors or shades of tan with pastel ribbons. Parents are encouraged to take photos with the bear by the baby to create a connection with the bear. Some hospitals also begin their own bear program and bereaved families are encouraged to donate bears to the hospital to be given to other bereaved families. Some families personalize tags for the bears. A bear program is a good project for parents that are needing to "give back" after their loss. Extra bears can be given to siblings or grandparents that are in need of something to hold too.
Disposable Camera
The camera is the beginning of capturing the reality that the baby truly did exist. Mom will go home wondering if her loss were some nightmare and hoping she will wake up. Having good pictures helps to validate the loss and provides parents with some tangible tokens to share or cherish. Three Little Angels Foundation encourages family members to use the camera provided but to also use a video camera and to bring more cameras with film. When you think of how many pictures you take to capture someone's lifetime, how many are enough?- One role? Two? We tell parents to take as many as they wish. They get only one chance. A list of photo ideas is provided in the folder included in the Care Package. Older family members may discourage this practice as it was not permissible in times past and they may fear that it will be more painful to look at the pictures later. This decision is for the parents to make. Spend some time discussing this issue when extended family members are not present. Picture taking is not morbid. Parents are simply looking for permission and are afraid.
Baby Soap and Baby Lotion
Three Little Angels Foundation believe is forming a connection with your child beyond the tokens parents will take from the hospital. During the time that parents spend with their child, they have the opportunity to assist in bathing their baby. Their child's bath can be anywhere from a lukewarm water sponge bath with a small tub to dabbing their child with lotion tipped cotton balls. The Care Package contains sample size containers of baby soap and lotion. The point of bathing is to do the one parent task for the baby that the parents can do. Parents are curious to see all of their child's body and to care for them. Bathing provides that opportunity to connect with their child through sight but also to use baby scented soap and lotion on their baby that can later be purchased at the local supermarket and used at home for mom when she is missing her baby and needs to be reminded of her child's sweet scent. The parents will surely say no if you ask them if they would like to bathe their baby as they are unsure of what is expected of them. You be the guide and encourage them. Perhaps offer to bathe the baby in the room so that they can see. You will be surprised at their response. Mom may be exhausted and woozy from anesthesia. Find a time when mom is somewhat alert to propose this activity.
Nursing Pads
Hours to days after delivery, many moms will begin to lactate. This is a stab in the heart and a painful reminder that her body is still preparing for a happy outcome. Caregivers should encourage cold compresses and tight bindings to assist in drying up the milk supply. Until the milk is gone it may be necessary to use breast pads to avoid leakage. Pads are located in the baby aisle of stores and Three Little Angels Foundation provides a sample kit to get mom home until she can send someone else to the store.
Gallon Size Zipable Plastic Bag
During the time after birth until the parents say goodbye, the baby's body will we washed, any tubing will be removed and clothing, hat and blankets may be changed. Many parents would like to have the items that touch their child. Some would even choose to keep items that contain droplets of blood. Caregivers are encouraged to save all items that touch the baby and to store them in the bag, Three Little Angels Foundation shares with caregivers to remove as much excess air from the bag before closing to preserve the baby's scent. Parents can choose later if they wish to discard items.
Information Folder
Many books have been written that speak of what to do when a baby dies, how to plan a service for a baby, suggestions for making memories and the like. Many families are unable to read and make decisions after a loss. Some describe the numb feeling as being in a cloud. The folder is designed as organized tool to provide easily accessible information for family members. The white folder bears the logo of the Three Little Angels Foundation and when opened, displays cascading categories of topics for parents to view. Each topic's information is shown in bulleted lists for easy viewing and comprehension. The topics included in the folder are (some available in electronic format):
Time Alone with Baby
Photo Opportunities
Book List
Online Resources
Things to Know
Poems and Readings
Our Story
After Everyone Leaves
Planning a Memorial or Funeral
• Our Supporters

The Three Little Angels Foundation offers educational trainings for caregivers and Special Care Packages for caregivers to give to parents.
Information on Education
Information on Care Packages